Subamniotic hematoma

Hector Quiroga, MD

Barquisimeto Venezuela

This is a 26-year-old patient referred to our department at 9th week of pregnancy because of the presence of a "giant tumor†near the umbilical cord insertion. The tumor was avascular. The fetus wasn"t compromised. A subamniotic hematoma, a chorioangioma and a submucous myoma were proposed as possible diagnoses (Figures 1, 2).

Figures 1, 2.


The patient was reevaluated at 31st week of pregnancy and there was a significant change in the images so we concluded the subamniotic hematoma as the final diagnosis (Figures 3, 4, 5, 6).

Figures 3, 4.


Figures 5, 6.


At 38 weeks of pregnancy a cesarean section was performed and the placental findings revealed the presence of a subamniotic hematoma located near the umbilical cord insertion (Figures 7, 8, 9, 10), the placenta was bilobate (Figure 11) and the umbilical cord insertion was eccentric (Figure 12). The microscopic evaluation demonstrated a subamniotic clot and confirmed our diagnosis (Figure 13).

Figures 7, 8.

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Figures 9, 10.


Figures 11, 12.


Figure 13.


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