Mission & Purpose
Dr. Philippe Jeanty
Mission & Purpose
Dr. Philippe Jeanty
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Mission & Purpose

Fetal Medicine is a field dedicated to the study of fetal development, congenital abnormalities and disease processes that may pose a threat to the fetus. It evolved tremendously in the past 20 years because of advancements in instrumentation allowing access to the intrauterine environment (ultrasonography, chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, cordocentesis, fetoscopy and fetal surgery), developments in genetics, and a better understanding of maternal diseases that affect the pregnancy and fetus.

A great deal of research is conducted in this area and published in peer-reviewed journals. Research results are often conflicting, with a lack of consensus among experts, and a clear plan for the patient may be difficult to discern by the clinician. Alternatively, textbooks are available but become quickly outdated as a result of the ever-evolving research efforts, technology and new procedures.

Our objective is to create an online journal dedicated to imaging in fetal medicine that covers genetics, fetal development, prenatal screening, ultrasonography, fetoscopy, fetal surgery and maternal diseases or conditions that may affect the fetus. TheFetus.net is dedicated to case reports of prenatal diagnoses of rare conditions. The purpose is to provide free educational material to ultrasound practitioners worldwide. The cases presented serve as a study material for website users in order to increase their knowledge of fetal medicine and improve the delivery of patient care. The website is systematically supplied by up-to-date information provided by its supporters. TheFetus.net is supervised by monthly moderators in order to assure the quality of published information, and serves a worldwide audience of ultrasound practitioners, healthcare professionals, parents and students.

The guiding principles will be:

  1. Scientific integrity, so that the information can be trusted.
  2. Usefulness to the patients and those providing their care.
  3. Easy access (no subscription, no fees), so that those who need the information can access it unrestricted.
  4. Openness, so that the information will be able to flow unencumbered by the obstacles of previous media.

TheFetus.net began as a bimonthly publication available to subscribers only, published from 1991 through 1994. It specialized in full-length case reports of rare conditions, so that all interesting and rare cases diagnosed or observed prenatally, that were not usually considered for publication in conventional journals, had all the space, color and illustrations they wanted in TheFetus.net. Case-reports are the poor children of the medical literature and for good reasons: the rarer the case, the less likely the readers will be interested, and Editors are often leery of allotting space. Yet for the practitioner, the rational is just the reverse: perhaps no one wants to read all the rare case reports, however it is very important to have easy access to a thorough review and discussion when confronted with a patient suspected of having such an anomaly. In the current system it is difficult to obtain the original manuscript of an article, and the images obtained from a faxed copy or PDF are rarely of sufficient quality to compare with the images on hand. In 1999, TheFetus.net was published online. The goal was for the accumulation of cases, articles and reviews to build an online reference source.

The advantages of an online version are:

  1. The concentration of articles in one journal, which are now disseminated in hundreds of publications where they have little impact. For instance, the task of recognizing what could be the differential diagnosis of a hypoechoic, but not cystic mass in an 18-week fetal abdomen is difficult in the current system. The online version allows for keyword searches.
  2. Easier access for the reader: the computerized access would allow easy searches, and readers could download the whole article if they wish to keep a copy.
  3. Much cheaper, thus more available for physicians in less privileged countries who suffer from the vagaries of the postal systems.
  4. Access for patients.
  5. Video clips can be included in articles and cases, which is more informative than static images, in particular for cardiac conditions.
  6. Subscribers could be made aware of new cases when posted.
  7. No press or printing deadlines.
  8. Cases can be published and updated much faster than what is currently possible with printed journals after going through peer review.


TheFetus.net covers all aspects of fetal medicine including genetics, fetal development, prenatal screening, ultrasonography, fetoscopy, fetal surgery and maternal diseases or conditions that may affect the fetus. TheFetus.net provides articles with images and videos, as well as twice monthly Case of the Week to challenge users in their knowledge of fetal medicine. Via the discussions, ultrasound practitioners can exchange knowledge and present their cases to request consultation with renowned experts in the field of fetal medicine.

1. Articles:  When an article has covered a subject, subsequent authors could either provide improved/updated manuscripts or simply add a quick case presentation and images. For instance, if a case of fetal aortic aneurysm is published, it is unlikely that a subsequent submission on such a rare case will add much to the discussion. Yet knowing the evolution and management of subsequent cases would be very valuable. This information does not find its way into conventional journals. Furthermore, from our discussions with many course participants, it is clear that many practitioners have very interesting cases. While they may not have the inclination to write a whole case report, a short version with images could contribute to the knowledge base.

2. Case of the Week:  A Case of the Week will be presented twice a month, which visitors to the website will be invited to solve. Once the answer is revealed, users will have the opportunity to discuss the case.

3. Request consultation: The discussions tab provides a place to ask for advice regarding your difficult cases. This would be equivalent to the corridor consults that happen in the hospital or the phone calls to various colleagues, but with a much wider audience.

Site copyright 1990-2021 Philippe Jeanty, MD, PhD-Material copyright by individual authors.
TheFetus.net Navigation Version 1.0

Contact Information
Contact us: cow@thefetus.net
Site Information: Philippe Jeanty, MD, PhD C.V.
Site Creation: Chuck Neal, Binary Evolution

Dr. Jeanty

in loving memory ofPhilippe Jeanty, MD, PhDJune 30, 1953 - November 25, 2020

Thank you for helping us memorialize a man whose life and work touched so many all around the globe.
Binary Evolution United States Website Development Team
We were very lucky to have Philippe, I wouldnt be in my position without Him. I am very, very sad it is a great loss, it could be anticipated, even outside of this plague year , but this news came to me as a great shock
He was one of the most kind and benevolent persons I knew

With great sorrow,
To all of you dear colleagues and companions

I would like to share my great sorrow of learning of Philippe´s disappearance
He will remain in my memory as one of the most beautiful encounter of my life

With all my friendship,
Emmanuel Julien
I am unfortunately too young to have met Philippe in person, but I had been collaborating with him as a volunteer contributor to thefetus.net , formatting the cases of the weeks for the past few months. I remember back in those days around 2014-2015 when I first visited thefetus.net I thought, what a huge database of knowledge in fetal ultrasound this is ! Unparallelled, lots of iconography, and completely free ! Since then, I'd been a regular applicant to those cases of the week, and Philippe has been somewhat a mentor I grew accustomed to. These past weeks, he was working on a new version of thefetus.net : whoever in the US is gonna inherit the site property rights, please keep it going, it is his legacy. I'd happily contribute to the new version. Rest in peace, dear Philippe, mentor and colleague. I'm sure you'll be watching from above.
Fabien Ho Reunion Island Radiologist
Hola, Federico:

Con profundo dolor he conocido esta mañana el fallecimiento de nuestro querido Philippe. Tuve noticias de él a primeros de este mes, me envió un pdf con las innovaciones que pensaba hacer en la página. Entendí que los cambios iban a ser para bastante más adelante y no le había contestado aún.

En marzo me escribió preguntándome si estaba bien, ya que las noticias que le llegaban de la situación en España con la COVID 19 no eran nada buenas. Entonces me informó de sus problemas de salud con la gracia que creo que tenía, me habló de la ironía de que le hubieran diagnosticado una cardiopatía congénita después de toda la vida dedicado al diagnóstico prenatal y de la posibilidad de tratamiento mediante embolización, que luego me indicó que de momento no haría. Me imagino que habrá sido un problema agudo la causa de su fallecimiento, dado lo que dice Franti.

Yo le vi en España hace años una vez que vino al Centro Gutenberg, en Málaga. Creo que antes le había mandado unas presentaciones por si podían tener algún interés, vistas desde mi perspectiva de ahora no eran nada del otro mundo y él debió pensar lo mismo. Con el tiempo, pienso que él apreciaba mis respuestas, algo de lo que me siento enormemente orgulloso. Una vez, envié una respuesta al caso antes de salir para Madrid (había empeorado una cuñada que estaba ingresada y tuvimos que ir urgentemente). A los pocos minutos de salir , en el tren leí su contestación, “Orgasmic response as usual !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” y su respuesta me alegró algo en tan difíciles momentos. Hace unos años, cuando se desprendió de parte de los libros que tenía le pedí uno, pero le dije que con dedicatoria y no pudo ser más cariñoso. Lo guardaré como un tesoro. Durante muchos años, los casos cada 2 semanas han sido mi contacto con él y con los distintos fellows que ha ido teniendo (Eva, Franti, contigo), siempre he esperado vuestra respuesta con impaciencia y con algo de temor de no encontrar la respuesta correcta. Así, que recibir vuesto “correct” y algún comentario que muchas veces hacíais me subía la moral.

Creo que además de ser un gran maestro de la ecografía ha sido un maestro de la vida. Cuando le comuniqué mi jubilación y mi temor al perder con ella parte de lo que me entretiene tanto (la ecografía), sus consejos han sido para hacerme ver la cantidad de cosas interesantes que se pueden hacer. Sé de sus muchas aficiones (la fotografía, la informática, el trabajo manual de la madera, los viajes, la vida salvaje, etc.), además de su intensa vida familiar, vida que seguro que compartía con sus amigos. Hace unos meses me envió un documento creado por él sobre la crianza de sus hijos. Me da la impresión que su casa, su gran casa, ha estado siempre abierta a su familia y a sus muchos amigos.

No sé que será de la página web, de TheFetus.net, a todos los que aprendemos y disfrutamos con ella nos gustaría enormemente que siguiera adelante, pero el esfuerzo de Philippe por conseguir su continuidad, lo que últimamente ha sido muy complicado, será difícil de seguir. Y en cualquier caso, aunque se haga, será imposible estar a su enorme altura. Pero si lo queréis intentar, Franti y tú, sabed que podéis contar conmigo si necesitáis ayuda, en lo que humildemente pueda hacer.

No sé si tendrás contacto con su familia, con su mujer Thao y sus hijos, Cerine y Danton, Cedric y Emma; si es así, hazles llegar mi pena por su pérdida.

Y a ti, amigo Fede, un fuerte abrazo que me gustaría que hagas llegar también a Franti,
Javier Cortejoso
Это была шикарная, потрясающая идея, но неправильная.
Так изящно, стараясь никого не обидеть, говорил профессор, когда мы отвечали мимо.

Сегодня не стало Филиппа Дженти.

Всё мировое сообщество врачей ультразвуковой диагностики в акушерстве скорбит.
Сотни комментариев и соболезнований.
Это была целая эпоха, часть нашей жизни.
Его детище, неиссякаемый ресурс
The Fetus.net, на котором все врачи мира черпали знания. Первый и единственный в своём роде.

Каждые две недели выставляли новый сложный нерядовой случай.

Он заставлял думать, перелопачивать кучу литературы. Помню как просыпалась среди ночи, когда посещало очередное озарение и скорее записывала идею.
И так более 10 лет...

Как с восхищением смотрела на тех, кто оказывался в рейтинге !
И вот в 2011году первая весомая победа ! Счастью не было предела !!!

Самый добрый, простой в общении, Великий Учитель, ты был для нас родным !
УЗ- сообщество осиротело...

Дорогой Филипп, Вы прожили удивительную, насыщенную, яркую, достойную жизнь !
О Вас плачут те, которых Вы вдохновляли и учили.

Так вот, профессор, это была Ваша хорошая идея, но неправильная...
Irina Andrusenko
I met Philippe in 2012, after learning so much from him trough Thefetus.net. He was, with Rabih Chaoui, our first « foreign speaker » when the CFEF (French College of Fetal Ultrasound) asked me to organize the annual congress. Despite a very tough subject he seduced the audience by his knowledge and kindness. It is a great loss. Be his family assured of our friendship.
Philippe Boukobza Vice-President of CFEF
Philippe meant so much to me...when nobody wanted to communicate with us in Serbia, when bombs were falling on us and our children in 1999, he reached out and offered me a position at his practice, invented it, invited the whole family to stay with him...and it all based solely on my correct answers on TheFetus.net and the recognition of dire situation!
We stayed friends for 20 years...every news in life, every joy, every sorrow was shared...he came twice to Serbia, gave us his cds as presents - never again had it happened, no one ever was so generous and so big hearted.
Thefetus.net was the ultimate site where to go to find answers, and no matter how many of new and fancy sites were developed in the meantime, it was the most democratic and honest one...
Only a couple of weeks ago we exchanged mails and news about kids, life, health...travel in peace my dear, dear friend, you will be loved and remembered as long as we all live...

Aleksandra Novakov Mikic Serbia
Il nous a quittés bien trop tôt! Nous sommes des centaines à avoir bénéficié de la science qu’il a partagée avec une bienveillance sans borne.

Que sa vie continue de l’autre côté dans la Paix.
M Lamarque Ile de la Réunion
My deepest condolences to all , but I am sure that Philippe wants to see happy all of us. Philippe is still with us.
Koroush Shahsavan

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